My ipod is in failing health – or it just resorted to pretend that way until I show mercy to reload it with a breather of changed tunes.
I had come to this full-blown understanding after I unearthed it beneath the fairly thickly coated carpet underneath the mattress underneath the blanket underneath the comforter. There’s no way I could have dumped it this deep even during my plainly semi-conscious, nocturnal moments where music is the only thing that shares my bed. Sometimes I get this feeling that this cute little, two-year old red fixation has gotta be the bravest companion I can count on through days I just want to pull my hair out, for it has survived the most malicious attacks from the hottest barbeque sauce to being run over to soap-soaked bath tub to obsessive playing to reeking laundry bags. Actually, it has gone thru’ much more.
There are things that become part of your body – count the cell phone out but my ipod has become something I can’t be without, even if I’m not plugged to it – I just need to know that it’s quietly lying in there, in my bag. It’s like having in your pantry, the oldest wine in town – humble smugness!
Now that I do comprehend its feelings, I have to respect what it needs the most – some redoing of its musical matter!
Leave the hitches of technological advancements to people that suck at being able to have the sheer fun of it - Man, you have to have an ipod.
Somehow I don't like plugging my ears with those earphones, so I stick to my sony ericsson cell phone, which is like an extra skin on the palm of my hand.
Hi! Purple heart,
Music :), somewhere i have read that the fragrance of heaven is spread on earth through music, so who wont love to have that fragrance with them all around,and happy to know you have it with you always...
I dont own one yet :)
Nice Picture, Karen.
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