Sunday, February 15, 2009

United 93 - Not just a movie

Not many a time in your life do you get to watch or read stuff that you know will linger in your mind for the rest of your life. The impact is higher if the story happened for real. 9/11 is a topic of emotion, fear and heroism. Having always intrigued by the details and controversies about it, it sometimes disturbs me that the fourth plane that never hit the supposed target does not always prominently get featured if you pick any major documentaries/movies/videos on 9/11. United Airlines 93, was a plane that had onboard a rebellious bunch of Heroes who actually saved,well, yes they saved the United States of America.
This movie left me shaken as it cruised thru’ some REAL action, with shear tremor of what it must have been for the passengers who rose and fought the terrorists no matter what the outcome might have been. The lump in the throat just wouldn’t go, detaining an emotion that was filling every part of me with respect (if that’s the best word I can find) and awe for what those guys dared and did.

For hearts that want to go dig out more on this, this is just a few among many sites that hang out there.

You CANNOT just miss this movie(, for it has a soul, so real, so heroic and it tells us by its every spirit, so plainly that real heroes are always amidst us, with us, within us.

Bowing in respect to all those who lost or lived through 9/11.


Honey Bee said...

Thanks for the links.... SHould see the movie now....

Divia said...

Real heros are not superhuman beings from the outer space... It is you and i if we dared to take the risk! This i have experienced in my life several times. The most important quality needed are presence of mind and courage.

Good read...

Anonymous said...

yeaaa. i watched this...pirated dvd.. beemapally thanks....

Gomathy S said...

Will watch this one..

Vasanthan said...

yeah it was a great movie.

PurpleHeart said...

Trinity, How true and kudos to you for living thru' all of 'em !